Tuesday, September 24, 2013

One Month Till Test Date

Today was the official start of my training season.  No more time off.  A month from now I will be traveling to Missoula to take the Adult Bronze Free Skate Test.  As you will see, there is a lot of work ahead to get this program ready.

At this point we are still working out the step sequences and my timing is way off - mostly due to my poor stamina. Two weeks from now I expect to have much more energy....

3 run throughout of my program followed by a 30 minute lesson. We spent a great deal of time on a footwork sequence that I couldn't get my brain to sort out.


  1. Are you doing a loop for your jump of choice in the program?

  2. I wasn't planning on it, but I was just re-reading the rulebook and i need 3 single jumps including a salchow and a toe loop ... #3 is my choice plus the waltz toe combination ... I think I will add a loop somewhere ... gasp ... I don't have the energy for what I have already!

    1. Yes, you need another single jump in addition to the salchow, toe loop and waltz-toe. I wasn't sure if the back double three you were doing was just a jump walk-through or part of the footwork. I did a flip because to me that seemed less stressful than a loop :)

  3. You're going to do awesome! Everything looks effortless (even if it may not feel that way). Plus you still have weeks to get your stamina to cooperate :)

  4. Looks to me like you are going to pass that bronze test no problem.


Long Lesson Not Much Progress

Rink tag system out today.  Waiting to unplug a phone, plug a phone, start music - plus a few virtual tests on the ice today did not help ma...