Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lesson Canceled - Bad FS Session - Ugly Fall

... Today made up for all the fun I had yesterday.  Coach texted me after I had my skates on that she couldn't make it today.  I decide to be a brave soul and skate on a FS anyway.. what could go wrong?

You will soon see.  Bad take off edge from a Loop Jump.  Nothing looked good today, nothing worked.  The only thing I got out of it was that I exercised a little and I have a bruised elbow, knee and wrist as a result.



  1. OUCH. Sorry about the fall Diane. I hope you didn't injure yourself too badly...

    I've also not been able to skate since Tues. I've been really sick :( Worried that all the progress I've made with go right out the window...because like you said, its not easy. Esp when you take time off.

    I hope your next skating session goes better, but hey, you got to do pairs skating so take the good with the bad! :)

  2. I whacked my right elbow about a month ago during a fall and since then have been sporting a huge lump, bursa, whatever. Once again I'm looking for more d3o padding but nobody seems to make elbow sleeves with d3o. Hope your elbow feels better soon.


Long Lesson Not Much Progress

Rink tag system out today.  Waiting to unplug a phone, plug a phone, start music - plus a few virtual tests on the ice today did not help ma...