Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Adult Pre Bronze Test

Returned from a fabulous holiday in the Caribbean last night.  Had to get up this morning and skate for the first time in 11 days, then take my Pre Bronze Moves In The Field Test.

I am thrilled to report that I passed both tests with many positive comments as well as constructive criticism from all three judges.

Here is the video of both tests.  It's slightly cut off.  The memory card filled up during my Waltz Three.  Also I completely forgot to tell him the test was in two parts.  After the MIF were done he thought it was over.  So guess which jump is missing ?????

The WALTZ JUMP of course!  Don't worry.  There will be plenty more in the future.


  1. Congrats!! Awesome! How long we're you skating before you started again at this age?. Your skating looks beautiful...I just want to see how long it might take me to get where you are...I'm new at skating at 38, but before my lesson started I already was natural with forward and backward skating and turns...I am thru the crossovers, backward crossovers, and now on the waltz jump, 2 foot spin, and just learned 3 turns yesterday..Coach was happy as she mentioned I seemed to pick it up really fast ....I've been skating 1 1/2 months..

    1. Thank you. Click on the link at the top of my page: http://www.waltzjump.com/p/little-about-me-and-my-skating-history.html - That's my story......

      Everyone is different when it comes to learning skating (or anything really). When I was younger I spent a lot of time watching more advanced skaters and trying to learn from their practice sessions. (I could not afford frequent lessons) .. There is probably about 4 years skating experience total in me, but much of that was 1x week when I was young. Keep trying. Push yourself to work hard on the direction you don't normally skate in.

  2. Nicely done! Very elegant! Maybe you should take a vacation from the ice more enough!

  3. You are such a natural on the ice!

    I agree with you about hating that two foot spin. I hadn't done one in so long when I did my test, it seemed so unnatural.

    You should ask your coach to work with you on stepping INTO the circle for your scratch spin. That will help you center.

    1. She has already addressed it .... I'm just stubborn!!

  4. Real helpful comments from that judge who didn't say ANYTHING!

  5. My coach told me she is not one of many words and the few words she put on there included "nice test" .. she said I should be happy with that. I am really happy with all of it. #1 ... I passed and I got good constructive critiques which I will keep in mind for the future. Our skating community is rather small in comparison to other cities. Chances are likely I will see those same judges again in the near future!

  6. I just found this doing a google search - wow, I have a lot of hard work ahead of me ... and I am a 59 year old skater you just started 6 months ago with no prior experience. Gulp!

  7. My hat is off to you for trying to learn the sport at any adult age I confess I had some muscle memory from my two years as a childhood skater and my two years at the cusp of 20 nevertheless it's a grand opportunity for adults nowadays because we have our own testing and competition track best of luck to you


A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

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