Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Next Chapter - Adult Bronze

Here is the next hurdle.  Adult Bronze

TR 25.10 Adult Bronze Moves in the Field Test
The fundamentals of ice skating must be demonstrated although not necessarily mastered. Candidates must show knowledge of the steps and continuous flow and strength. Attention should be given to depth of edges and proper curvature of lobes.

1. Forward and backward perimeter power stroking
2. Forward power three-turns 3. Alternating backward crossovers to backward outside edges 4 Forward circle eight 5. Five-step mohawk sequence

One element may be retried, if necessary.
(Approximate time for test: 12 minutes)

TR 32.10 Adult Bronze Free Skate Test

The candidate must give a reasonably good performance showing a command of the following technical elements, a sense of speed, flow and depth of edge. The fundamentals of free skating must be demonstrated, although not necessarily mastered.

1. At least three different single jumps of which one must be a Salchow and one must be a toe loop
2. One jump combination consisting of a waltz jump and a toe loop (no turn
or change of foot between jumps)

1. One-foot upright spin (minimum four revolutions in position)
2. One-foot backspin, entry optional (minimum three revolutions in position) 3. Sit spin (minimum three revolutions in position)

Steps: Connecting moves, steps and edges throughout the program
Extra elements may be added without penalty. Duration: Ladies and Men — Not to exceed 1:50 to music of the skater’s choice. Two different elements may be retried, if necessary

Now that I have passed Pre Bronze I am eligible to compete at either the Pre Bronze level or I can do what they call "skating up", which means if I wanted to, I could enter a competition and skate one level higher than that in which I am qualified by testing.

The competition season has only a few months left.  I don't know if I can compile a program in such short order.  1:50 is a lot of time to fill with jumps and spins and connecting steps ... I still don't have a combination jump or a backspin and my sit spin is too high to qualify for a sit spin position.  


  1. Congratulations on passing your prebronze tests! Start now getting a program ready so by the time the season picks up (a lot of us start competing in the summer to put mileage on programs)and you are ready to test Bronze, you will have a "comfortably broken in" program. :)

  2. I always skate up. The reason is that the pre-bronze competitions in my area are usually no test skaters skating up. I feel bad winning that, and would rather place lower down in a harder group (and pray for that rare first place ordinal).

    However, last year, my first competition I did pre-bronze. It is just so much easier to do a program, because the requirements are so much looser. I think you'd be fine to do that, scope out what pre bronze in your area looks like, and then decide to skate up. (At pacific coast sectionals, for example, the winner of pre-bronze had a gorgeous flip and I think they said silver moves!!! Others in the group were still doing half-jumps.)

    Also- most judges expect a recognizable sit position, but it doesn't need to be all the way low. Mine isn't even close, but I got complimented on having good speed, and a recognizable sit position.


Long Lesson Not Much Progress

Rink tag system out today.  Waiting to unplug a phone, plug a phone, start music - plus a few virtual tests on the ice today did not help ma...