Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Cart Before The Horse

Look what arrived today.  This is one of two dresses I have bought in anticipation of testing freestyle someday.  I am not sure when that will be because my freestyle is in no way, shape or form ready for a freestyle test.

I found out today that my skates are definitely on their way.
I also found out that our next "test session" will be on March 30, 2012 !!!  Yikes !!!

I don't think I will be testing freestyle.  I think I could probably do my Adult Pre-Bronze Freestyle test, but I don't think I would be able to put a program together.  I am still really getting back to basics.   In addition ... those new skates are going to take some getting used to.

Practice today was short, uninspiring and  a bit frustrating.  I had such a good lesson and practice afterwards yesterday.  Today I was achey and hesitant, even on the Pre-Bronze moves.  If my skate was loose, I didn't do them well.  When I tightened them up, I could not do my 3 turns or hold my edges.

In skating, practice NEVER makes perfect, but practice eventually (usually) leads to improvement over time.  Including days of plateau and even of set backs.

I'll try again tomorrow.


  1. Man, you could so easily pass APB freeskating! You look great--your waltz jump is strong as are your spins. Plus, there is no need for a program at the Pre-Bronze level. You look lovely on the ice--not at all like a beginner.

    1. Thank you for the extraordinarily nice comment. I think you are right about passing the APB free skate. I have a March 30 test date coming up and my coach and I had not talked about the free skate, only the MIF. Today I will be skating on my brand new boots and blades for the first time. I will have 1 month to break them in enough to test in. So happy to hear from another adult skater from Washington. Happy Landings!


A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

 Home for a couple of days before a trip to Cabo ~  Grabbed an impromptu lesson with Vitali.  Had rubber legs for the first 30 minutes but t...